Life-type update and nudity...
First the update:
1 Still working on getting a new car, my dad is helping out a lot...Thanks Dad!
2 For the last 3 months, my wife and I have been tracking what we do each week on a chart.
We've determined approximately how much free time we have in a week, and have determined what it is that we want to do. Based on the time we have and the importance of each thing, we set an amount of time we need to spend each week on each thing. In our system we have quartered boxes that represent hours each week.
For example: If we wanted to spend 7 hours a week on house work, we would have 7 boxes. If we only spent 5 hours and 15 minutes, then 5 boxes would be blacked out and one box would be one-quarter blacked out.
This has been very helpful in finding our patterns and problem areas, and motivating us to do better. Like so many people, we tend to spend less time than we want on the things we believe are most important to us.
So last week we challenged ourselves to black out all the boxes in one area we have yet to fill. Mine was house work, Jen's was creative (in this case writing). We succeeded, and this week we are switching. Wish me luck. :)
3 Check out the new 'Links' section, I'll be adding new links every few weeks or so (and making a better image too...)
4 Having trouble with my scanner, so no new cartoons for a bit. I do have a few things I'd scanned before, so on to more content...
Nudity.... well partial nudity.
I've been debating on whether or not to post this picture of my model. I don't have a problem with nudity in art, but some people (family/friends) reading this know her and might care...
She didn't mind me putting it up, so finally (a couple of months later) I've decided to post it with this warning... Her maiden name is Moore.

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Take care everyone!
1 Still working on getting a new car, my dad is helping out a lot...Thanks Dad!
2 For the last 3 months, my wife and I have been tracking what we do each week on a chart.
We've determined approximately how much free time we have in a week, and have determined what it is that we want to do. Based on the time we have and the importance of each thing, we set an amount of time we need to spend each week on each thing. In our system we have quartered boxes that represent hours each week.
For example: If we wanted to spend 7 hours a week on house work, we would have 7 boxes. If we only spent 5 hours and 15 minutes, then 5 boxes would be blacked out and one box would be one-quarter blacked out.
This has been very helpful in finding our patterns and problem areas, and motivating us to do better. Like so many people, we tend to spend less time than we want on the things we believe are most important to us.
So last week we challenged ourselves to black out all the boxes in one area we have yet to fill. Mine was house work, Jen's was creative (in this case writing). We succeeded, and this week we are switching. Wish me luck. :)
3 Check out the new 'Links' section, I'll be adding new links every few weeks or so (and making a better image too...)
4 Having trouble with my scanner, so no new cartoons for a bit. I do have a few things I'd scanned before, so on to more content...
Nudity.... well partial nudity.
I've been debating on whether or not to post this picture of my model. I don't have a problem with nudity in art, but some people (family/friends) reading this know her and might care...
She didn't mind me putting it up, so finally (a couple of months later) I've decided to post it with this warning... Her maiden name is Moore.
Click Image to View Image
Take care everyone!