Undead and untitled
Here is a project I'm working on for my friend Sara. She is currently putting together a VLARP game to run in the near future. For this game she is creating a "vampire newsletter" that gives some backstory and clues to the game's secrets. We sort of simultaniously had the idea that a cartoon could be in the newsletter. This is the result:

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I'm pleased with the results. Only one problem, we can't decide on a name for it. We've bounced ideas off one another and nothing 'sounds right' to both of us.
Can any of you creative people out there come up with a good idea or three?
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I'm pleased with the results. Only one problem, we can't decide on a name for it. We've bounced ideas off one another and nothing 'sounds right' to both of us.
Can any of you creative people out there come up with a good idea or three?
Toon of the Damned.
Thats a funny cartoon by the way.
I like the title of your post. Something along those lines would be great, like "Dead Undead" or somesuch nonsense. The cartoon is incredibly (sp?) good. You might want to lighten the blues in the background though as it blurs the blacks a little too much. Other than that I'm impressed. This is a great style and it's a funny strip already.
Thanks for the comments and help everyone. As of yet, no decision has been made. The project is on hold for a bit because Sara is taking care of new kitties right now.
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