My friend William and I are trying to get a movement going in Lubbock, and the surrounding area. We believe for comic art to be an option in the mind of young people as a career, that we must begin by creating a community for it. Part of that idea is
Lubbock Sketch Club. By creating a regular event two times a month, at a regular place, we can begin to find all of these artist who believe they are alone, or don't know what they can do with their skills.
So often I see people who have artistic talents and interests, but don't go much past 'doodling' because they don't believe that they can do anything with it. One recent example is grafitti I've seen at the old channel 28 building. I'll add a picture later.
I think these young artists have great ability, spray paint is not an easy medium. But probably they never will do anything more than this. Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, but I think if I'd had a strong art community when I was growing up, I would be leagues ahead of my current talent.
So, anyways check out the new Lubbock Sketch Night Blog, comment, tell your friends, tell those weird people sitting in the corner drawing in their notebooks, let them know that they are only as alone as they want to be.