This is from my 'ink and color' sketchbook (that I got for Christmas). I sketched in ink pen (Zig) and I later colored this with ink (Winsor & Newton, also a gift) and brush.

Click Image to View DrawingThis stuff mostly a outgrowth of the feeling that I need to draw more from real life. But don't worry, more funnys are coming!
I recently met a friend of
William named
Norvell Maples . Will has recently left Lubbock to pursue art in San Diego (new school and new job). Will had me return some things to Novell and naturally we talked for about an hour on all sorts of things.
Its wierd, I think Will leaving has forced me to be a bit more social. Will is very social, and has all sorts of friends in Lubbock, many interested in art. I feel like I need to bridge the gap and begin to really get to know these people. In future posts I'll be mentioning them, and (if they have a web prescense) linking to them.
One last note:
I listened tonight to a radio show about comics on
88.1 KTXT called 'Metropolis'. I've heard it before, but I thought I'd mention it because I recently met one of the hosts, at the "comics jam" we had last week at the 50th Street Caboose. I need to get in touch with those guys....